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9th-12th Grades - Scholars of Rohan

The Lorien Wood high school years continue the incredibly unique integral approach to education found in the lower school years. We believe that school is not a series of fragmented classes, but that God has uniquely designed His world in an integral way, where literature, science, art, math, history and all areas of study inform our whole understanding of the world. This integral approach to education not only looks at the whole of what we are learning in an integral way, but also takes the whole student into account. In high school, as in all of our years at Lorien Wood, we are establishing and maintaining a school environment where God is glorified and children have the opportunities and resources to develop a deep love of learning.

High school students are exposed to the vast world of ideas, as we help them discern what is true through a Biblical lens. We want them to continue to understand who God is, how He has created them, and learn more about His world. We help students prepare to enter the world around them, able to articulate their beliefs and engage in the marketplace of ideas. They will grow in their ability to peacefully and beautifully engage with others who are opposed to their worldview, contributing to the world for good, and God’s glory.  

It is our great privilege to partner with parents as we continue to help young adults explore God’s world, discover their place in it, and launch as high school graduates serving Him with confidence, courage, and grace all throughout the globe.


Students can follow two math tracks: 
*  Geometry, Algebra 2, Personal Finance, and Statistics
*  Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Statistics


Scholars of Rohan have the opportunity to continue Latin in their high school years or take two or more years of a new language. Students can choose from a variety of world languages.

11th Grade Science - Environmental Science

A culmination of our Outdoor Curriculum, from Muddy Monday in the Lower School to Watershed in Middle School. Eleventh Grade students will deepen their understanding of the environmental world in order to create a plan for and execute projects that leave a positive impact on our school campus or neighborhood.

12th Grade Science - Physics
Form Six Humanities 

In the first year of Form Six (Eleventh grade), Humanities focuses on the modern and postmodern period and the large questions humans have asked about themselves, their identity, their community, and their purpose. Literature and other writing helps students dialogue with our culture and Scripture about these topics, and an exploration of history puts these ideas into context. 

The second year of Form Six (Twelfth grade), Humanities turns to big questions asked by ancient and medieval thinkers and writers. Students explore how humans have thought about a relationship with God, a relationship to family, and a relationship to the larger society. Classics from the ancient and medieval ages challenge students to explore these relationships, while growing their appreciation for universal human experience and culture-specific expressions of these relationships as we seek to understand and learn from wise voices from the past.

Year One: Creation, Fall, Restoration (Modern and Postmodern Times)

  • Creation: The first trimester focuses on the idea of what God intended in the creation to be through the lens of John Milton’s Paradise Lost.  
  • Fall: The second trimester focuses on the idea of brokenness, as seen in our understanding of ourselves, in our relationships, between cultures, and in our sense of purpose and meaning.  
  • Restoration: The third trimester focuses on evidences of God’s restorative work.  The literature we read is contextualized with a study of the history of the period.  

Semester Courses: Eleventh Grade students participate in two semester courses that take a close look at specific topics which thematically relate to the year’s Humanities concepts.

  • Colliding Cultures: The Modern to Postmodern Age Across the Globe
    • Church History 
    • Art History

Year Two: A Relationship with God, Family, and Society (Ancient and Medieval Times)

  • The first trimester focuses on human understanding of a relationship with God.  Our readings include Enuma Elish, Hesiod’s Theogony, selections from the Bible including Job, Romans, and Revelation, and Confessions of St. Augustine. 
  • The second trimester focuses on the concept of family.  We read Homer’s Odyssey, Aeschylus’ Oresteia, Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, Sophocles’ Antigone, and Euripides’ Medea to think about family relationships in the classical world.  We will compare and contrast this with biblical depictions of the family, including II Samuel and Hosea, among other passages.
  • In the third trimester, students explore beliefs about society.  We read Plato’s The Republic,   I and II Corinthians, Aristotle’s Politics, Euripides’ The Trojan Women, Cicero’s The Good Life, Confucius’ Analects, The Book of Proverbs, excerpts from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, and Plutarch’s Fall of the Roman Empire.  We conclude with Augustine’s City of God.  

Semester Courses: Twelfth Grade students participate in two semester courses that take a close look at specific topics which thematically relate to the year’s Humanities concepts.

  • Articulating Antiquity: Classical Explorations of Philosophy, Literature, History, and Thinking
    • Rhetoric and Argumentation
    • Christian Literary Classics

Click here for examples of the literature woven into various Form Six units every year!

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